1.1. Introduction (Preview)

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There are currently over three million Working Carers in the UK. They often feel as if they are juggling two jobs and the additional pressure that caring brings means that they may feel they have to leave the workforce or reduce their work hours or their level of responsibility. In fact 1 in every 5 employees with caring responsibilities ends up giving up work in the UK.

When trained, skilled and experienced staff leave the workforce there are significant costs to the employer (loss of productivity, recruitment and training of replacement staff). There are also costs to the employee and his/her family, (loss of income and skills and confidence). It really is in both the employers and employees’ interest to have a discussion to see if this can be avoided.

There is increasing recognition from the government and employers of the need to support carers in the workforce. Not only do carers have legal rights in the workplace but there is growing evidence that forward thinking employers are offering staff with a caring role support at work which is above and beyond their legal entitlements.

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