1.1 Introduction (Preview)

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Currently over 3 million people juggle paid work with unpaid caring responsibilities.

Statistically if you employ 10 staff at least one person will be juggling work with a caring role. If you employ 100 staff over 10 will have a caring role.

Across the UK more people than ever are living with a disability and or long term health conditions and the number will only increase over the next 20 years. Government cuts to Local Authority budgets mean that we are seeing reductions in services they offer to disabled people and those with long term health conditions. This increases the pressure on families to provide the necessary care and support.

Businesses are now feeling the impact as one in five working carers (skilled and experienced staff) have to give up work to provide care to a family member or friend. That is a huge cost to businesses and one which can be reduced.

Added to this we have an ageing workforce (with later state pension ages) and fewer young people entering the jobs market. The impact of Brexit on the jobs market is not fully known or understood but indications are that it may be more difficult to attract staff with the skills and experience businesses need to enable them to grow.

Many employers across all sectors are already working to support employees with a caring role because they see the benefits it brings to their businesses. Many of the adjustments an employer can make have no or small direct cost implications.

The proven benefits include;

  • Reduction in sick leave and absenteeism,
  • Increased staff loyalty,
  • Better staff morale and increases in productivity.
  • Being seen as an employer who cares about its staff makes it more attractive to existing staff and more attractive to new recruits.

So what we know is that every employer, every business, is likely to have employees who have a caring role and the number will only grow over the next 20 years.

In this part of our e learning site you will find more information about what you can do to secure the sustainability and health of your company by being a carer friendly employer.

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