5.3. Making a Flexible Working Request (Preview)

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All employees in the UK have the legal right to request flexible working – not just parents and carers.

If you have worked continuously for the same employer for 26 weeks you are legally entitled to make a request to change your working pattern once a year.

This said, it is always worth checking your relevant policies or having further discussions with your line manager as they may be sympathetic in the case that your situation changes and you need to make another request.

When you make a request you have to make it in writing, setting out;
– The date of application;
– A statement that this is a statutory request;
– Details of how you want to work flexibly and when you would like your proposed alternative working pattern to start;
– An explanation of how you think flexible working might affect the business and how this could be dealt with, e.g. if you are not at work on certain days;
– A statement saying if and when you have made a previous application.

You can find a template on this page which may assist you in making your request or alternatively you can use the standard form on the GOV.UK website:

Once your employer has received your written request they should arrange a meeting with you to discuss it, giving you adequate notice so that you can arrange to take someone with you if you so wish. Your employer should consider your request and have reached a decision on it within three months. They can take longer but only if you agree.

Legally your employer must let you take another work colleague or union representative into the meeting, however, they may allow someone else to accompany you, e.g. a support worker, but this is at their discretion.

If the request is granted this will be a permanent change to your terms and conditions unless otherwise agreed.

Even if you do not qualify to request to work flexibly under the statutory procedure, for example you have been in employment less than 26 weeks, you can still make the request but this will have to be explored with your employer. Although according to the law they do not have to accept your request they may still consider it. Many employers offer flexible working options to their staff as best practice.

Back to: 5. Flexible Working For Carers