5.5. TIPS – Writing a Flexible Working Request (Preview)

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– Ask your employer if they have a Flexible Working Policy and an HR or Union representative to offer advice and assistance;
– You don’t have to share your circumstances, but outlining the impacts of your caring role might help your employer to understand your needs and build a stronger case for you to work flexibly;
– Be specific about what you are asking for, remember under the law you are entitled to request a change to your working pattern once a year, so consider all of your options;
– Explain how you think the request might affect the business and suggest; options that can make it easier for your employer to accommodate your request for example why the request wouldn’t affect colleagues negatively;
– Outline if you think your request would help the business;
– Make sure your request is realistic and workable for everyone;
– Ask someone to read over your letter and provide feedback;

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