2.8. Carer Friendly Employer Self-Assessment Form – Template (Preview)

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This Carer Friendly Employer Self-Assessment questionnaire meant to identify and recognise good practice as much as to help to identify and address issues.

The questionnaire can encourage HR professionals to think through which areas of practice are particularly important for carers and help them to analyse the strengths and weaknesses to have a comprehensive picture about their ‘carer-friendly’ practice.

This tool will ask a series of simple questions to identify where you can make improvements and support employees with caring responsibilities. It will not take longer than 10-15 minutes and should be completed by an HR staff member within your organisation. To repeat the self-assessment every couple of years would enable your organisation to measure the progress and development efforts.

The self-assessment form covers five areas; Identification of Carers, Policy, Workplace Support, Communication, Awarness Raising and Training and Peer Support.

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