3.3. Working Carers’ Support (Preview)

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Over half of all carers are in some sort of paid work. As a working carer, you are likely to need a range of support at different times – from access to a telephone to check on the person you care for, to leave arrangements to deal with someone coming out of hospital.

Talking to your employer about your caring role is not always an easy step. You may feel it depends on whether your employer is likely to be supportive. Find out by asking your colleagues, HR department, personnel officer or union representative. There may be existing support that you are not aware of, or you may find that your employer is open to exploring new ways to support you. Carer Centres can support you in discussions with your employer ensuring that they are aware of their rights and responsibilities to you as a working carer.

Confidential Carer Support via Email or Drop-in Appointments at your Workplace

Working carers often find it difficult to speak directly to their carer centre due to work commitments, time constraints or hectic lifestyles. If you prefer to receive carer support via email your local carer centre is able to offer this service. All correspondence will be dealt with in a confidential manner.

If you are in full time employment and struggle to find time to book an appointment with your local carer centre some of them can offer you a drop in 1-2-1 appointment at your workplace.

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